From changing locks to supplying a one key master system
From copying your door keys to window grilles
From a one key system to ensuring emergency exits are compliant
From restricted and digital locks to computerised access control
From locker keys & access systems to servicing your automatic doors
"Top job by Matt and the team for fitting the shutters, am very happy. Always a pleasure to have Matt working on our property, friendly, professional and tidy. If he ever wants a career change and wants to work with bicycles then send my way".
Tony - Walthamstow Cycles E17
"Space NK has used Dennis Security for a number of years now. Response is quick, with problems identified and solutions provided. I am very happy to recommend their 'no problem' attitude".
Gregor Durston
Space NK Ltd - Nationwide
"Dennis Security's response has always been quick and knowledgeable with repairs carried out with no fuss. I would happily recommend them".
Peter Finn
The Hall School, Hampstead
"Thank you for today,
The most straightforward tradesman we have dealt with yet"!
Mrs N.Ferstendik
"I cannot sing Matt's praises enough. There was not a speck of dust when he left as he cleaned up as he went and he was also kind enough to put my net curtains and heavy curtains back up for me. It's a shame all workmen are not more like him".
Mrs K.Doughty, E17